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Report Incident

We know sometimes
things don’t turn out
as planned.

Where here to help. Just tell us a few details about your incident and we’ll follow up with you promptly.

You can also email us at

or call us at 1-800-618-1246

To file a complaint with a state that we operate in, click here.

Drug & Alcohol Policy

SilverRide is dedicated to providing a safe, dependable service to its clients and a safe, enjoyable work environment for drivers and employees. SilverRide has a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy while using the SilverRide platform.

When SilverRide Receives a Report

When SilverRide receives a report of reasonable suspicion that a driver was under the influence while using the SilverRide network, they will lose access to the platform while an investigation is conducted. Further investigation resulting in sufficient proof of a violation of this policy will result in permanent loss of access to the SilverRide platform.

You can read our full zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy here